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Six-Ingredient Vegan Butterscotch Pudding with Mango and BlueberryVegan Sausage that Fills a Hot Dog Bun NicelyBaked Tofu and Veggies in a Balsamic MarinadeVegan Bean Burritos Packed Full of VeggiesVegan Lima Bean Lentil Soup Satisfies for HoursVegan Tofu Sliders with Tangy Purple ColeslawMake this Rich Focaccia with Vegan Parmesan and Olive OilMaking Panini for Vegans

Tag: spinach

Vegan Lima Bean Lentil Soup Satisfies for Hours

It's generally fair to say that most vegans use the plant-based palette available to them to keep their nutrient levels appropriately topped up. But it's also fair to say that it's pretty easy to fall into a menu rut, sticking with the standard tried-and-true recipes week after week, just because life is hectic and being vegan demands a great deal of time in the kitchen as it is. The risk that the dietary rut represents, besides boredom, is that over time we will unknowingly become deficient in important nutrients. I'm an engineer by training, and I have no right to offer advice about nutrition. But I do like visiting the websites of people who are qualified to comment on vegan nutrition and seeing if their advice can help me choose better varieties of plant-based foods to keep my menu interesting and nutritious. This soup recipe came out of one such visit. More

Filed under: Recipes > Soups

Tags: soup, healthy, lentil, lima_bean, spinach, tomato

Vegan Grilled Portobello Mushroom Sandwiches

We all know that grilled portobello mushrooms are great in a sandwich. That's why I wasn't too upset when the portobello panini was literally the only vegetarian option at a friend's favourite pub. With the first bite, it was clear that I would be having a great meal. I know this is going to sound strange, but what put this sandwich over the top was a bed of wilted spinach. It just worked. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: mushroom, grill, healthy, hummus, spinach

Deluxe Vegan Macaroni and Fake Cheese with Spinach and Mushrooms

That would be a yes -- a big, emphatic "you betcha." In fact, I had been feeling like the earlier vegan macaroni and no-cheese recipe needed something more, something to make it a little more interesting to eat and also something to give it a little more nutritional oomph. Something like baby spinach. I also think sauteed mushrooms play nicely with the lemon in the sauce. More

Filed under: Recipes > Main Dishes

Tags: spinach, macaroni, pasta, comfort_food, nutritional_yeast

Spinach Fatayer Panzerotti

One of my earliest and most delicious memories of the move to Toronto was made one morning riding shotgun in my boss' car. He had grown up in Lebanon, but had been in Toronto long enough to know the hidden treasures of its food establishments -- the places you don't see in tourist guides. We were driving along, talking about the upcoming meeting, when he suddenly made a U-turn, saying something in an excited voice about the fatayer being made fresh on Tuesdays. He was mostly talking to himself because I had no idea what fatayer were. He ducked into a little shop and emerged ten minutes later with a couple dozen little pastry miracles. I was hooked. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: Lebanese, spinach, panzerotti, fatayer