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Six-Ingredient Vegan Butterscotch Pudding with Mango and BlueberryRich Vegan Mushroom Linguine with BasilSimple, Tasty, Vegan Spanish Rice for BurritosSpicy Vegan Chipotle Mayo SauceVegan Turkish Red Lentil KofteMaking Panini for VegansSpicy Tofu-Mushroom StirfryHomemade Vegan Flour Tortillas

Tag: meatball

Vegan No-Meat-Ball Sandwich

This no-meat-ball sub has been on my to-do list for a while now. It's pure comfort food for me -- how could it not be with the combination of Italian spices, tomato sauce and bread. The meatballs add substance, protein, fibre and no small amount of flavour. I'm impressed with how well they stay together after cooking, which I chalk up mostly to aquafaba. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: lentil, soy, mushroom, meatball, marinara, tomato_sauce, sandwich, aquafaba, sauce