saturday cooking banner
Homemade Vegan Flour TortillasMaking Better Hummus at HomeVegan Sausage that Fills a Hot Dog Bun NicelyVegan No-Meat-Ball SandwichMake this Rich Focaccia with Vegan Parmesan and Olive OilVegan Tofu Sliders with Tangy Purple ColeslawTasty Vegan Grilled Salad with Tofu and PortobellosFour Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Truffles

Tag: aquafaba

Vegan Chinese Green Onion Buns

If you've ever even gone past the doorway of a decent Chinese bakery, I think you are already familiar with the intoxicating aromas of slightly sweet dough combined with rich, savory fillings. I have a horrible addiction to these smells and flavours, left over from my student days living in downtown Toronto. As always, the challenge is to find a way to replicate the experience with vegan ingredients. I'm happy to say that smart people have already tackled this question and come up with some great ideas. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: Chinese, bun, onion, bread, aquafaba

Vegan Sausage that Fills a Hot Dog Bun Nicely

As I write this, I'm munching on one of these homemade vegan sausages with dijon mustard and fresh onions on a soft bun and feeling thoroughly content. What I like most about this recipe is that you get a whole lot of lunches out of a relatively modest amount of work. And the hard work is done by the food processor anyway. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: sausage, mushroom, nutritional_yeast, lentil, sandwich, aquafaba

Vegan No-Meat-Ball Sandwich

This no-meat-ball sub has been on my to-do list for a while now. It's pure comfort food for me -- how could it not be with the combination of Italian spices, tomato sauce and bread. The meatballs add substance, protein, fibre and no small amount of flavour. I'm impressed with how well they stay together after cooking, which I chalk up mostly to aquafaba. More

Filed under: Recipes > Light Meals & Snacks

Tags: lentil, soy, mushroom, meatball, marinara, tomato_sauce, sandwich, aquafaba, sauce